Before you get your hopes up, the answer is “No, Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture will not be on the upcoming Mansfield Symphony Orchestra’s “Russian Spectacular” concert on February 9.” [The crowd…
Keep reading “If Your Song Doesn't Have Artillery Fire In It, Then You Are Doing It Wrong”Renaissance Blog
According to a 2016 study by the League of American Orchestras, “Overall, [symphony] audiences declined by 10.5% between 2010 and 2014…”. However, there is overwhelming evidence of a plethora of health…
Keep reading “Why Aren't You Going to the Symphony When It Improves Health?”“Every day, American young people spend more than 4 hours watching television, DVDs, or videos; 1 hour using a computer; and 49 minutes playing video games. In many cases, youths…
Keep reading “Arts Education in a Digital World”It has taken three long years, but in six weeks a new theatre in Mansfield, OH will be born -Theatre 166, The Black Box Theatre of the Renaissance Performing Arts Association.
Keep reading “What Does it Take to Create a Theatre?”I recently read a blog post (for inspiration) which was titled “How to NOT become famous”. This did indeed give me inspiration on the chances of becoming famous, and in…
Keep reading “50% Inspiration/ 50% that really the equation to "make it"?”Think back to your favorite teachers. Were they teachers who sat at their desk and had you read while they nodded their head and hoped you were understanding? Were they…
Keep reading “Tellin' Ain't Teachin'”By Nik Demers I have loved Theatre as far back as I can remember. Whether it’s acting, designing, building sets, stage managing, etc., I love getting to see a show…
Keep reading “Assistant Directing Newsies”“Clothes Make a Statement, Costumes Tell a Story” At the Renaissance Theatre, we take great pride in the beautiful costuming being presented onstage each show. But where do these costumes…
Keep reading “Secrets of the Costume Closet”I love dogs. No – let me rephrase: I LOVE DOGS!! To me, they are the best companions. They are loyal, they have wicked senses of humor, they are great…
Keep reading “The Dish on Cujo”With auditions for Annie coming up in September, and then Mamma Mia in January, now is the time to make a serious beginning to preparations in order to win the…
Keep reading “How to Win an Audition”